Karen Lebuhn

A perfect day for me, is spent helping people and the community achieve their best life. As a Community Outreach Coordinator for Traycee Home Care, I am honored to meet, network, volunteer and work alongside a terrific team of health care professionals who spend their days helping seniors. Education is the key to living a healthy, balanced life.

Documents & Publications

Title Date

8 Great Blogs By Seniors

Prior to the pandemic, my favorite time of the day was spent curled up on my couch… reading books. I love classics, non-fiction, fiction, history, and travel. Frequently, I would read into the wee hours of the night. A strange phenomenon, however, occurred this last year. My attention span became very short. In fact, I haven’t finished a book or even a magazine from cover to cover since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

February is American Heart Month

Make Heart Health Part of Your Self - Care Routine

According to the National Institute on Aging , aging can cause changes in the heart and blood vessels. For example, as you get older, your heart can’t beat as fast during physical activity or times of stress as it did when you were younger. As you get older, it’s important for you to have your blood pressure checked regularly, even if you are healthy.  Many seniors become sensitive to salt, which may cause an increase in blood pressure and/or edema.

Guest blogger: Jason Van Puymbroeck WELA Financial
